Foto Friday #1 - Jamaica
One feature that I've been dying to include in a blog is Foto Friday. I have nearly 28,000 photos in my library (most junk, but some really good work as well.) Most have never been seen by anyone but me. this is a chance to share my passion for photography.
I visited Jamaica in September 2000. While I was there, I met a great guide named Landie who took me away from the resort and out into the countryside. These photos were originally shot on my Nikon N60 35mm camera and scanned into my computer. The quality isn't quite the same as my new shots, but I like them nonetheless.
I'm highlighting my people photos here. Normally, I love landscapes, birds and other natural subjects. Looking through my library, though, the portraits here seem to be the best. The Jamaican people are very warm and friendly. Poverty is the norm, especially in the countryside. As you can see with some of the photos, school was being let out for the day, and I was able to get some great shots of the kids. They loved it!
I never really got the story about the branch on the head. I think he used it to pick fruit.
These school kids were more than willing to pose for a photo.
This is one of my favorite photos of all time!
This lady was gathering breadfruit by the side of the road.
Schoolgirl cheesing for the camera.
Shy students
My tour guide Landie at his house.
Working hard on the dusty road.
Landie took my photo with the kids. Who is that young guy???