Meeting the Governor
I had the opportunity last week to travel to Raleigh and spend the evening at the North Carolina Executive Mansion with Governor Roy Cooper. I was invited by our colleagues at E2 Environmental Entrepreneurs which is part of NRDC. They were having strategic planning meetings in Raleigh and wanted to bring together E2 Members (Earth Equity Advisors is a member), supporters and other community environmental advocates.
The Governor spoke about the environmental victories since his election and the need for continued progress. He discussed sustainability initiatives, coal ash (which we learned today that Duke Energy is being required to clean up), hog farms, climate change and renewable energy.
He also talked about the importance of breaking the supermajority in the General Assembly this past November and how we can make additional steps forward by shifting at least one house in 2020.
I also had the honor to spend some time talking with Michael Regan, Secretary of DEQ as well. It was so nice to be surrounded by true advocates for the environment, climate change solutions and renewable energy. The secretary is very interested in expanding North Carolina’s solar and wind generation capabilities and is optimistic we can make it happen.
Thanks to E2 for the invite and to Governor for a great evening!
With Governor Roy Cooper